Wednesday, May 26, 2010

my school year

My school year so far has been good.I have learned a lot of things and had a lot of fun on the field they were really great.We have been to trails, gattitown, to Austin park and pizza, zilker park, and many more! This school year is awesome in many ways and some ways are because I was able to meet a bunch of new people (this whole school and everyone in it are new to me).School has been a little hard but the classes that were most difficult was E.L.A, math, Spanish, and globaloria. homework was kind of hard though.We have home work for science on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in history we get homework whenever he wants to, we don't have homework in math any more, also we have homework in Spanish when we are bad, and last is E.L.A which is usually everyday but not this week!The other classes besides E.L.A, science, technology,history,Spanish, and math is community learning, physical education, and music.Community learning is when we learn about social issue topics.This has been the best year ever for me!

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