Thursday, October 29, 2009

why introductions are important
We need introductions because, they are important. The introduction important because, it starts off the book or blog you will be or are reading. The introduction is also important because, the introduction gets the reader hooked on or interested the book they read. In my opinion I think that I would rather read a book with a introduction than one with just the body and conclusion.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

drug use

I am writing to talk to you about me and a drug user. This drug user went to my school when I was in fourth grade.She was in fifth grade and was using drugs she never told anybody but, one day while we were at school the Principal found out her secret drug use and kicked her out of our school.The next day our Principal said that "a student was found using drugs and if anyone else does the same you will be kicked out." It makes me feel sad that kids do it and are kicked out for and it makes me more sad because I know her.I would always see her on a corner sitting down looking ashamed and I thought, I will not ever be her because, it ruins your life, health, and is bad for you especially the kids that do it. That experience changed my life because I didn't care about that or think about that, but know seeing and hearing about I am aware of it .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My favorite fantasy book would be WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE!! The book is short with lots of pictures, but it is still my favorite fantasy book for kids. The book is about wild monsters,an angry mom, and a bad little boy. This book was so famous they made the book in two languages and a movie with it.This is my summary of the book.

There was a little boy named max and he was acting so bad that his mom sent him to his room without any dinner. In his room he imagined that the walls, floor, and ceiling were starting to change into a ...... jungle! He walked around the jungle for a while seeing nothing interesting at all. Then he soon came across a river with an empty boat near the shore and hopped in without hesitation.

He sailed away, and away then soon landed on a small island. He met lots of wild monsters there that made him king.They all played and had fun but, max was lonely so he decided to go home. Max sailed away back home and apologized to his mom then ate dinner. I think I would recommend this book to others because its a good book and is enjoyed by many people, and lastly I think the book should be read first because, the book is slightly better than the movie and I love the book a lot, though the movie is a lot longer than the book.

best advice

The best advice I ever received was from my and she told me never drop out of school keep going and when you finish you better go to college because, I want the beast for you and if you go to school and college you will get a Good education and an awesome job.I listened and promised her I will stay in school, do my best, try to get into college, and have a good reasonable paying job.My mom also told me to stick up for self and do whats right s and I agreed to try and do both of those things too.I am very thankful for my wise, respectful, generous and loving mother I have that gives the best advice.I think that the advice she gave me is great because school and jobs are two of the most important things in your life.

Friday, October 16, 2009

my bio poem

My name is Ashley,
I am fun, shy, nice, and active.
I am the daughter of Melinda and Jason.
I feel very relaxed and happy right now.
I love my hamster, mom, dad, grandma, and sister.
I think that I need good grades.
I am always wondering if I will pass 6Th grade.
I fear roaches so much.
I like hamsters and candy.
I believe that I am a very good and educated student.
I every day that I will grow up to be a C.E.O.
My last name is Medellin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Have you ever been bullied or teased by other kids,I bet everyone has had an bully situation even me.Did you tell or fight back?,Well you shouldn't do either of them, because fighting will get you in trouble with the adults that see you fighting.You shouldn't tell either for two reasons the first reason is you could make the bully's tease you more than before, but the main reason is that your teachers, parents, neighbors, and other adults wont always be with to be your body guard and defend you.What about disagreeing with others,I know some kids that have yelled at one another for small disagreements that have happened.When disagreeing you shouldn't do the followings, yell, fight, tease, or call the other person names.The reason for that is because it s disrespectful, and you will and could get in trouble, and last you might anger the other person which will lead to violence ( no one really want violence especially the adults).I know that when you disagree on thing all you want is to be the one that wins or is correct like in a debate.So thank you very much for listening and try to remember these things I listed please.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

what i would do

I want to live in a good community so these are the few things I'll do to make it better.First I would like to make our world non smoking which is good for plant and ourselves.second I will try to be some what Eco friendly.citizen Being Eco friendly saves our plants, and the plants help us breath (if we don't breath we don't live). It is important to make those changes because all the good we do helps ourselves, our plants, our community, and our world.I would first try and get the people know to stop smoking or praise them for not smoking.Then I will talk with others who are and start a club to help them quit smoking.I will recycle, keep the air clean, clean the community and try to walk or a bike more than driving a car.